Citation - Boston News Letter: 1742.02.18

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Index Entry Britons! with awe this son of freedom view [fl] 
Location London 
11-18 Feb 1742:12 (1978)
London, Nov. 11.  The following lines were wrote by a
gentleman on Admiral Vernon's bust being erected in a a room
at the Queen Anne's Arms Tavern in Cateaton-Street, where
several gentlemen will dine to-morrow and celebrate that
brave English Admiral's birth-day.
  Britons! with awe this son of freedom view, 
  Excell'd by none, and equall'd but by a few; 
  Who 'midst corruption uncorrupted stood, 
  His heart and hand devoted to your good.
. . . [4 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1742.02.18 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1742 
Bibliography B0008795
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